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C.P.A. Burnett (1933)

New York—The Rev. Charles Philip Augustus Burnett died November 14th at Flower Hospital in his 85th year. Fr. Burnett had been in delicate health for a long time, but continued to do his work until the very day when he entered the hospital, November 5th.

The Burial Office, Requiem, and Absolution were said for him November 16th in Holy Cross Mission Chapel, by the Rev. James F. Atkins, warden of the Community of St. John Baptist. Interment was in the family lot in Trinity Cemetery.

Fr. Burnett was one of the early leaders of the Catholic Movement in America. He was a notable scholar, particularly in the field of liturgics. In 1905 he published, with the Rev. William McGarvey, The Ceremonies of the Mass. Fr. McGarvey wrote the section on the ceremony of the Low mass, and Fr. Burnett prepared the section on the ceremony of the High Mass. In later years, Fr. Burnett himself wrote a separate book entitled Low Mass Ceremonial. His most important book, still in constant use, was A Ritual and Ceremonial Commentary on the Occasional Offices of Holy Baptism, Matrimony, Penance, Communion of the Sick, and Extreme Unction. He was the author of numerous shorter works, some of them of a controversial character but most of them on liturgical points.

For many years Fr. Burnett was secretary of the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament. He had charge of the Intercession Paper, and the quotations from the Fathers and other authorities which he was in the habit of publishing on the inside front cover influenced many to read more deeply and widely. He was an outstanding figure at the Corpus Christi celebration so long as his health permitted him to be present.

He was born on June 5, 1849, at Skaneateles, N. Y., the son of Charles John and Mary Sophia (Burgoyne) Burnett. He attended Trinity School, New York, and had private instruction. In 1878 he received the B.D. degree from the General Theological Seminary. He was made deacon in 1878 and ordained priest in 1879 by Bishop Horatio Potter. His early ministry was spent partly in pastoral work, partly in scholarly research. In 1900 he became assistant to the late Fr. Ritchie at St. Ignatius’ Church, New York; and remained until Fr. Ritchie resigned in 1914. For the next seven years Fr. Burnett officiated in several churches and otherwise exercised his ministry, but had no parish. In 1921, he became assistant vicar at Holy Cross Mission Chapel. For the past ten years he was vicar. The priest in charge is Fr. Aitkins.

Fr. Burnett married Miss Annie Stone, who died in 1920, after a long illness. A daughter, Mrs. H. E. Lynes of New York, survives him.

The connection of Fr. Burnett with Holy Cross Mission was long and close. He said his first Mass in Holy Cross Mission Chapel in 1879; and he said his last Mass there on November 5th, just before going to the hospital. He was known throughout his whole ministry as a devoted pastor, especially to the sick and poor; and he was a confessor sought out by many. The Sisters of St. John Baptist revered him for his courage in carrying on his work to the end and for his holiness.

A large number of the clergy of New York attended the services. The rectors of most of the parishes were there, or were represented. People to whom he had ministered, from the lower East Side and from many other localities, were present.

The Living Church (Milwaukee), December 2, 1933, pp. 159-160.

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Jean Baptiste Gauthier: An Appreciation (1922)

THE death of the Rev. Jean Baptiste Gauthier, vicar of the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Green Bay, Wisconsin, on June 21st, removes from the Church Militant an unique personality, a faithful priest, and a sincere and humble Christian man. In the region where he spent thirty years of the thirty-three years of his ministry, Green Bay and the “Door County peninsula”, there are few men who were so well loved and will be so much missed. His name is a household word, not only among the Belgian farm folk among whom he labored, but with the Church people of the English speaking parishes. His name is as typically French-Canadian as John Smith is typically English. And he was typically Canadian. His were all the sterling virtues of the French-Canadian peasant. Simplicity, humility, gaiety, humor, friendliness, filial piety, frugality, these united to a fervent faith in Christ, and, through Him, in the Church and Sacraments, made him a man lovable to an unusual degree. In hundreds of homes in that region where he was so well known, there is sorrow to-day because Père Gauthier has been taken from the world. The sympathy and charity that were an integral part of his nature, made him the confident and counsellor of many who will be sore bereft at his going, and his name will smell sweet there for many long years, as long as there are those who remember him.

Père Gauthier was born in Montreal, Dec. 17, 1853. With his parents he was a member of the great parish of Notre Dame. At the age of sixteen he entered the order of the Christian Brothers. He remained with these Religious for eleven years, renewing his vows from time to time, as is their custom. At the expiration of one of these periods, he left and entered the order of St. Viator, and subsequently the Franciscan Order. His heart however always remained with the Christian Brothers, and leaving both of the last named orders during his novitiate, he became a teacher in parochial schools until such time as he could see just how his life was lo be disposed. While in the Community of St. Viator, he became attached to René Vilatte, who later became a priest of the Old Catholic Church, under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Fond du Lac. In 1889, Gauthier was teaching in the parochial school of the French Roman Catholic Church in DePere, Wisconsin, while Père Vilatte was hard at work founding the first Old Catholic parish of the Precious Blood, Gardner. In the summer vacation Gauthier made a visit to his old friend, and became interested in the work. Another parish had just been started, St. Mary’s, Duvall, and another priest was needed. Jean Baptiste felt called to the work, and arrangements were made for his ordination by Bishop Herzog in Switzerland. At least two years’ delay would have been necessary if he were to be ordained in the Episcopal Church, as no way could be found to comply with the canons otherwise. On St. Luke’s Day, in the Cathedral in Berne, he was ordained priest by Bishop Herzog, who still outlives him; his ordination to the diaconate had preceded by a few days. His first work as a priest aside from his first mass was to hear the confessions of the prisoners at a nearby prison. He did not spend many days in Switzerland after his ordination, but hurried back to his work. Père Vilatte turned over the parish at Gardner to him, and devoted himself to the new parish at Duvall. Here he remained for fifteen years, when a sort of homesickness drew him to Canada, where he became rector of a Church of England French-speaking parish at St. Ursule, but only for about a year. He returned to Gardner, and again in Gardner he remained until it seemed best for him to take charge of St. Mary’s, Duvall, removing to the parish in Green Bay at the Bishop’s request in 1908, where he remained until his death. Thus for thirty years his life has been interwoven with these three parishes, their family life and religious relations.

In all these years he has been faithful and loyal to the Episcopal Church. He received the ministrations of its clergy on his deathbed, and was buried by his bishop. He really loved the Church of his adoption, while alive to its defects. The writer of this appreciation became acquainted with him the summer preceding his ordination. A friendship sprang up at once, which has continued without interruption. No words of his can fully express what that friendship has been. He feels it an unspeakable privilege to have known such a simple, sincere, and faithful priest. In his picturesque English, he always signed his letters to the writer, “Your truly brother in Christ.” It was indeed a brotherhood, and the severing of the tie makes it easy to understand the grief of those to whom he was so long “the Father”. May God give him light and rest!

—A. Parker Curtiss in The Living Church (Milwaukee), August 12, 1922, p. 516.

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恭惟諾尊 降自高天

立鶺鴒教 闢蘆葦原

霊等鏡璽 澤遍乾坤

肇基二柱 伝統一孫

國非姫姓 含殷盧真

人悉男児 具日本魂

厥俗喜勇 翠鬟跨鞍

其性憎讐 黄口揮鞭

神帝以下 世出聖君

逆蘇之外 廷無暴臣

峭巖為壁 万里隣侚

蒼瀛作塹 四面回環

瀛政艶羨 遙望蓬山

徐福帰化 竊比桃源

蜻廷伸翼 地芥區寰

函X開萼 嶽奴崑崙

杵嶼清浄 夏宵没蚊

琶湖斂艶 雨時可船

武野暮色 蟾離草間

弱浦晴景 鶴渡葭邊

壌産瑞穂 黍稷稲綿

礦胎珍寶 銅鐡金銀

郊絶獅豹 毛物共馴

厩多騏驥 駿骨成群

嘉菓留馥 扶桑托根

栂茶芽緑 摂酒味醇

瑳玖蕾綻 麝臍猩唇

汰緋魚躍 瑠晴瓊鱗

参乃鼠族 五葉駢肩

兼即鳥羽 六銖争釣

書免秦火 篆X儼然

服用唐制 黼黻炳焉

就中介冑 最類軼倫

飾窮佳麗 質択精純

劍断蟒尾 刀駆魔氛

箭洞戦艦 鏃鑿虜干

綉X傾錏 菊蕋嬋娟

直槍閃刃 梨花繽粉

陣選奇騎 蝴蝶従軍

舸排捷艪 蜈蚣走瀾

洵是美土 須禦蠢蛮

歴代薄伐 諸将録勲

倭建踰塞 苦矢瑞臻

功后拓境 氈笠咸賓

坂進纛旆 遼羯遁奔

紀執斧鉉 呉狗逡巡

巴提奮拳 獰獣血玄

伊企啖臀 驕酋膽寒

責彼慢辞 莵郎雷嗔

輟吾遠使 菅氏更言

牛稚軽履 躡蝦窟灘

猿臂鳴鏑 響虻戸雲

北条斫案 鞭兵喪元

西府郤聘 明客赧顔

豊閤胸宇 禹域併呑

藤肥矛戟 箕跡摧残

X鬚偉略 豈沐猴冠

虎頭驍貌 是鬼上官

麑島石曼 著干青編

亀井琉珠 輝於素丸

奥主独眼 蔑視南蕃

狭侯隻手 攫取東偏

鄭森襲臺 蛟騰龍蟠

長政定暹 鴻飛鵠塞

照祖靖難 号令維新

臺公承緒 規模仍遵

臚館応接 只延流韓

藁街亙市 特容漢蘭

戈貫胡顱 千足勢振

榜示奸罪 三眼威懸

浜田匕首 脅甲比丹

兼子片槎 偵米利堅

憑咽喉険 函関泥封

備覬覦寇 鑰厳江門

郭帯鋒霞 喬松陰繁

旗擎朱旭 異葵葩薫

覇図極盛 宸居永全

徃昔寧楽 抵今平安

祭祀粛穆 儀陳瑚璉

簪笏端荘 班列宛鸞

堯階尚倹 帰存億年

周晢貴徳 鎮圧百藩

桜楊経緯 錦裏禁垣

楓櫨濃淡 画繞御園

才女捲簾 賞雪霽晨

鉅儒染簡 咏鶯囀春

洛筮己穏 浪速亦殷

綺羅輻湊 管絃喧填

鷦閣暁眺 竃蒸祥煙

蜆川夜游 橋漲軟塵

城聳楼櫓 睥睨朝鮮

港銜艫舳 吐納秋津

踴糶糴価 商賈専権

鬻漆絲品 牧伯通泉

如斯静謐 誰招災殃

歳当磨蝎 運属紅羊

凶鴉噪峡 妄爾鴟張

妖鷲摶崎 飽即鷹揚

蓮幕寛量 姑許跳梁

柳営深慮 務撫獗猖

蟹文狼藉 猾禮義郷

鴃舌侏離 擾翰墨場

卒学繰歩 穿窄袖裳

民癈踏佛 迷十字方

卓哉水烈 興乎常陽

辨別名分 率由典章

弘秦州道 夙護皇綱

奉鳳詔旨 先論海防

符号総見 梵器毀傷

軌同守屋 魑法掃攘

獻楠家策 語綴珪璋

奏善相議 詞挟氷霜

蠅糞空点 和璧失光

竜氣忽尽 莫邪折X

螽麟続胤 瓜X熾昌

熊羆継志 史筆焜煌

禊辰豪挙 壮心軒昂

燈夕快事 惰風消亡

筑嶺碧竹 建竿雖僵

萩塁紫英 幽叢愈香

我輩小蟻 意慕余芳

身在縲絏 憂及廟堂

踪似吉猛 寃亜古狂

嗚呼命也 臨釜投湯

唯所祈者 拒夷勤皇

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yama no goto sakata no ine wo nuki tsumite kimi ga chitose no hatsuho ni zo tsuku
like mountains we have piled the year’s first harvest: rice for pounding and observing the thousand years of your imperial reign

Ōnakatomi no Sukechika (大中臣輔親, 954-1038) was a Heian Period Shinto priest and poet.

松本盛昌, 愛國百人一首ゑはがき
東京:愛國社、昭和18年 (1943)。
Postcard, illustrated by Matsumoto Morimasa

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aogumo no mukafusu kiwami sumeragi no miitsu kagayaku miyo ni nashiten
on the far horizon blue clouds expand: so may the brightness of his majesty’s reign extend forever

Hirano Kuniomi (平野国臣, 1828-1864) was a warrior from southern Japan involved in several coup attempts during the Bakumatsu; a proponent of the Sonnō jōi exclusionist platform, he was executed at 36. Two personal poetry anthologies of his work survive: Hirano Kuniomi Kashū (平野国臣歌集) and Reigo Shōkō (囹圄消光), a compilation of poetry written while he awaited execution.

松本盛昌, 愛國百人一首ゑはがき
東京:愛國社、昭和18年 (1943)。
Postcard, illustrated by Matsumoto Morimasa

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omita no minawa mo hiji mo kakitarete toru ya sanae wa waga kimi no tame
planting rice seedlings in a muddy paddy amid the pouring rain: even these tasks done for the Emperor’s sake

Kamo no Mabuchi (賀茂真淵, 1697-1769) was a major Edo Period philologist and a central figure in the Kokugaku school of national studies. Kamo was a student of Kada no Azumamaro, and his own most famous student was Motoori Norinaga.

松本盛昌, 愛國百人一首ゑはがき
東京:愛國社、昭和18年 (1943)。
Postcard, illustrated by Matsumoto Morimasa

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kimi wo inoru michi ni isogeba kamigaki ni haya toki tsugete tori mo nakunari
having risen early to pray for his majesty I hear the cock crow passing on my way as the shrine gate rises

The postcard’s subject is standing next to the statue of Ōmura Masujirō (大村 益次郎, 1824-1869) at Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo. Ōmura is regarded as the father of the modern Japanese military, and his statue was one of the first in a western style to be erected in Japan.

松本盛昌, 愛國百人一首ゑはがき
東京:愛國社、昭和18年 (1943)。
Postcard, illustrated by Matsumoto Morimasa

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inochi yori na koso oshikere mononofu no michi ni kaubeki michi shinakereba
more precious than life is an unsullied name for the warrior who would undertake the way that must be trod

Poem by Morisako Shinnō (森迫親正, 1535-1551), a Sengoku Period warrior who died at 17. The Aikokusha postcard is an historical depiction of the author, but another contemporary postcard offers an illustration of a nocturnal military mission in winter:


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kimi ga tame.jpg

kimi ga tame hana to chirinishi masurao ni misebaya to omou miyo no haru kana
in this spring of your reign I think I see in the cherry blossoms that fall so swiftly the stalwart warriors eager to give their lives for you

Poem by Kanō Morohira (1806-1857), an Edo period nationalist scholar born in Tōtōmi Province (now Shizuoka Prefecture). Before inclusion in the 1943 Aikoku Hyakunin Isshu, this poem was part of Kanō’s 1854 anthology Songs from the Persimmon Garden (柿園詠草, Kakizono Eisō). Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney discusses the identification of falling cherry blossoms with the sacrifices of Japanese soldiers at length in her Kamikaze, Cherry Blossoms, and Nationalisms: The Militarization of Aesthetics in Japanese History (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002), but especially at pp. 74-75.

The postcard’s subject is standing in front of a shrine that resembles the Imperial Shrine of Yasukuni, established in 1869 to honor the spirits of persons who died in the service of the Empire of Japan.

松本盛昌, 愛國百人一首ゑはがき
東京:愛國社、昭和18年 (1943)。
Postcard, illustrated by Matsumoto Morimasa

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miyamagi no so no kozue tomo miezarishi sakura wa hana ni araware ni keri
unable to see the tops of the trees deep in the mountains we soon saw that they were cherry trees, revealed just by their flowers scattered in the wind

Poem by Minamoto no Yorimasa (源頼政, 1106–1180), a Heian period military official, courtier and poet. Before inclusion in the 1943 Aikoku Hyakunin Isshu, this poem was anthologized in the first volume of the shortest imperial poetry collection, the 1151 Shika Wakashū (詞花和歌).

The subject is preparing a wartime comfort bag (慰問袋, imonbukuro) for soldiers deployed during the Pacific War. Comfort bags included candy, postcards, letters of encouragement, toiletries, etc., and their preparation was a common activity for women in wartime Japan and occupied Korea.

松本盛昌, 愛國百人一首ゑはがき
東京:愛國社、昭和18年 (1943)。
Postcard, illustrated by Matsumoto Morimasa

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